CPA Cross-Racial Solidarity & Healing Resources

Restorative justice group photo from Spring 2023 cohort

Through our CHS (Community Healing & Solidarity) work over the past two years, we have developed out resources & materials! We hope can be useful to you:

CPA Healing Justice Handbook

These materials correspond with in-person workshops with members of the Asian American community and allies in San Francisco, CA. They are far from comprehensive; rather, touch on some of the key concepts introduced in these sessions. The hope is to feed curiosities and provoke new questions for independent exploration.

English version | 中文(Chinese) version

CPA’s Asian American Racial & Healing Justice Curriculum Guide 

This compilation of resources and activities can be used by anyone but was specifically made with Chinese and Asian American communities in mind who are interested in learning more about the role of political education and healing justice in today’s climate (both political and environmental!) It can be used passively as an educational resource but is designed to be modified and implemented so communities can grapple with ideas and reflect, resulting in deep learning that requires both head and heart.

We encourage you to make modifications to the activities and resources below to best fit the needs of your communities! Happy co-learning and we hope this resource is a support in  your and your community’s journey to joy and liberation!

English version (select curriculum translated in Chinese, Vietnamese)