PRESS RELEASE — CPA & Mobilize the Immigrant Vote Release Polling Results Showing Asian Voters Support Taxing the 1%

Mobilize the Immigrant Vote Coalition

Chinese Progressive Association


For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, April 11, 2012


  • Emily Lee, Chinese Progressive Association

Asian Immigrants Across California Overwhelmingly Support Taxing the 1%

On Heels of Tax Day, the Mobilize the Immigrant Vote Coalition Announces its Support of Gov. Jerry Brown’s November Ballot Measure Taxing the Wealthy 1%/Corporations

San Francisco – Today a coalition of immigrant rights organizations released findings of its statewide survey of Asian immigrants, 80% who overwhelming support taxing the top 1%.   The survey “Take Back the American Dream” was conducted through coalition partners Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), Korean Resource Center (KRC), Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) and the Filipino Advocates for Justice (FAJ) as part of the Mobilize the Immigrant Vote (MIV) coalition.

In conjunction with these findings, MIV reaffirmed its support of Governor Brown’s November ballot measure that would raise taxes to help balance the budget.

“On the eve of tax day, we want to remind voters that tax revenue pays for vital services that benefit all our communities including schools, hospitals and libraries. Vietnamese voters overwhelmingly supported taxing the top 1% wealthy and corporations to help restore vital services.” Lucila Ortiz, Community Organizer, Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)

“The Chinese voters we spoke with in San Francisco overwhelmingly support taxing the wealthy and corporations to help restore vital public services, including our schools, In Home Support Services for seniors, and libraries, which help our communities get ahead. Of the thousands of Chinese voters we talked to, 75% of them said they would support increasing taxes on the 1%,” said Emily Lee, Lead Organizer of the Chinese Progressive Association.

“Filipino voters overwhelmingly support taxing the wealthy 1%. Our communities and all Californians rely on vital services that help our children get an education, help our elderly age with dignity and keep us healthy. It’s time for the 1% to pay their fair share,” said Lillian Galedo, Executive Director, Filipinos for Justice.

Over 7,000 Asian Immigrants including Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipino were contacted for the survey which measured their views on taxing the wealthy 1% to help fund California’s diminishing budget for education and public services. The overwhelming majority of those surveyed, agreed that the top 1% must pay their fair share.  Registered occasional voters were the target of the survey.

“Taxing the top 1% ensures a shared responsibility among those who for too long have evaded paying their fair share for the public services we all rely on, including schools and social services. Mobilize the Immigrant Vote supports the Governor’s November ballot measure and will work with our local partners to garner voter approval,” said Aparna Shah, Executive Director of Mobilize the Immigrant Vote.

Mobilize the Immigrant Vote (MIV) is the first-ever statewide campaign in California to organize a multi-ethnic coalition of community-based organizations working within immigrant communities and building their capacity to register, educate, and mobilize their constituents for electoral participation. For More Info: