Know Your Rights PSA!

Update: The CPA staff is working remotely. Our office is closed. If you need to make an appointment with our team, please contact 415-391-6986. 

In the video below, CPA’s Political Director Joyce Lam will be sharing with workers what labor law protections and benefits are available under the current circumstances. Please note that this video was filmed on March 12th, 2020, and some of this information may be outdated.


Hi everyone, I am Joyce with CPA.


Because of COVID-19, according to recommendations from SFDPH,


CPA Office will only meet with the public through appointments, our walk-in reception is temporarily closed.

如果大家對工人權益有任何查詢,歡迎致電 415-391-6986 留言預約。

If you have any inquiries on workers’ rights, please call us at 415-391-6986 and leave a message for an appointment.


We are not lawyers or a legal organization, so the following is what we know based on labor law and EDD guidelines.


First, about paid sick leave, every California worker is entitled to paid sick leave.


Your employer must provide you one hour of paid sick leave with every 30 hours you have worked.


You can check your paid sick leave accrual at your paid stubs.


According to the size of your company and how many people it employs, there might be different limitations to how you can use your paid sick leave.


Paid sick leave can be used when yourself or your family needed treatment, for doctor’s appointment, or for resting at home. You can also use it to take care of family members who are sick.


Therefore, we encourage everyone to use your paid sick leave well. If you have any symptoms of being sick, do no go to work and don’t worry about losing income.


If you are infected with COVID-19, besides paid sick leave, you might be qualified for State Disability Insurance (SDI).


If your family member is infected with COVID-19, and you need to care for them, losing income because you cannot work,


Besides paid sick leave, you might be qualified for Paid Family Leave.


California EDD will supplement 60%-70% of your income. Please inquire with EDD.


Recently we heard that many employers might be cutting your hours or temporarily shut down because of COVID-19, which impacts your income. You can apply for Unemployment Insurance.


Also, SFUSD has announced that from now until 4/3, all SF public schools are temporarily closed. (March 2020: 所有SFUSD學校到2020年5月1日關閉 / March 2020: All SFUSD schools to be closed until May 1st).


If you need to care for your children and cannot go to work, you might be qualified for Unemployment Insurance

加州失業局(廣東話)1-800-547-3506 CA EDD (Cantonese)

華人進步會 1-415-391-6986 Chinese Progressive Association