Media and Resources

World Journal :金山華埠餐館勞資糾紛 161萬元達成和解

August 31, 2021

華人進步會政治主任林德樂(左一)、前餐館工人王拓(左二)、華人進步會行政主任劉茂琦(左三)、亞洲法律聯會律師高文儀(右一)。(記者李怡/攝影) 22名華裔移民工人與雇主禦食園川菜館 ( Z & Y)的勞資糾紛,經歷三年多的維權抗爭之後,8月17日在由華人進步會(CPA)和亞洲法律聯會(ALC)聯合召開的新聞發布會上,宣布以161萬元的賠償金達成和解。
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Singtao: 華埠餐館訴訟和解 22員工獲賠161萬元

August 31, 2021

22位來自御食園川菜館(Z & Y)的餐館員工在工資訴訟和解中獲賠161萬元。華人進步會舉行記者會呼籲餐飲移民員工勇於維護自身權益。左起:華人進步會政治主任林德樂、Z & Y餐館舊員工王拓、華人進步會行政主任劉茂琦、亞洲法律聯會律師高文儀。記者李兆庭攝
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Sik Faan La! Time to Eat!

Sik Faan La! Time to Eat!

May 23, 2021

Sik faan la! 食飯啦 means “time to eat” and is a phrase many Chinese people hear from their family members when food is ready. Food is often a language of love and care. The theme of the recipe collection is
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48 hills: Rally responds to anti-Asian violence

February 15, 2021

Roughly 200 people gathered at San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza outside City Hall on Valentine’s Day to offer a space for community healing and to call for more investment in community-based public-safety solutions for Asian-American neighborhoods.  Recent attacks against elderly
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